Llamaram Pattern by Orange Dot

Availability: 1 In Stock
Orange Dot Quilts - Llamarama Pattern  is the perfect name for this adorable quilt pattern. Use a group of llamas on your quilt or choose just one, placed strategically, to create...
SKU: 55533  More Quilt Patterns

Orange Dot Quilts - Llamarama Pattern  is the perfect name for this adorable quilt pattern. Use a group of llamas on your quilt or choose just one, placed strategically, to create a whimsical and beautiful quilt.

Add as much or as little embroidery and embellishments as you wish: pom poms, rickrack, beads or nothing at all. Anything goes. Only the eyelashes are a must, and those you can even draw on with a permanent marker if embroidery isn't your thing.


  • cover quilt size: 60" x 72"
  • llama block size: 20" x 24"
  • difficulty: easy
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