Free-Motion Quilting for Beginners and Those Who Think They Can't

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You can do it! Learn to free-motion quilt on a home sewing machine. Yes, you can! Encouraging you step-by-step along the way, Molly Hanson teaches how to quilt like a...
SKU: 11935  Books,Free Motion Quilting Books
You can do it! Learn to free-motion quilt on a home sewing machine. Yes, you can! Encouraging you step-by-step along the way, Molly Hanson teaches how to quilt like a pro. You'll begin by quilting your name, because soon you'll be signing unique works of art! Master the fundamentals of free-motion quilting on manageable fat-quarter-sized fabric pieces--and turn the pieces into projects. Try 10 different quilting designs, including stippling variations, pebbles, square meander, and swirlsConfidently quilt 15 practical projects, such as a tote bag, weekender bag, and laptop sleeve
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