This is a complete COUNTED crosstitch kit titled "Holiday Tree." It is a lovely design of a small sapling holly Christmas tree potted in a silver metal bucket with the words "North Pole" on it. a red "Joy" tag hangs from a holly sprig and A chickadee is perched on the one of the tree branches. In the background one stitches a light snowfall with several unique snowflakes. This joyful scene is perfect for anyone who loves the winter holidays and nature!
Included in the package: 16 count white Aida x-stitch fabric, color-coded thread cards with presorted 6-strand 100% cotton embroidery floss, needle, chart and easy to follow tri-lingual instructions ~ Everything you need to complete this festive CrossStitch project!
This xstitch kit is from Dimensions and is designed by Lisa Audit / licensed by Wild Apple. The finished size is 8" x 10" (20.3 x 25.4 cm).